EEC Startup Review

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Rebread Sp. z o.o. • Mogilska 65 • 31-545 Kraków • Tel.: 4869602408
ENVIRONMENT Ochrona środowiska: technologie dla klimatu, ekologiczne uprawy, smart energy, wykorzystanie surowców, przetwórstwo odpadów
Rebread is a rising circular economy and impact-driven start-up, aiming to solve the bread waste problem by providing the food industry with technology and tools to upcycle excess bread into value-added food and beverage products. Our two most advanced technological lines are fungi-based alternative proteins and drinks with probiotic properties. We are building ecosystem of bread as a new resource and material and scaling positive impact through a „design global - manufacture local” approach. We operate in a asset-light open manufacturing model, making our know-how available through the open innovation platform. Our target market includes retail, bread, food and beverage producers.