EEC Startup Review

Autosymed SRL
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Autosymed SRL • Str. Haznalei, Nr. 12A • 707306 Sat Balciu, Iași
HEALTH & BIOTECHNOLOGY Medycyna, zdrowie, technologie medyczne, farmacja, biotechnologia
Autosymed was created to drive continuous advancements in cardiac care and leverage power of AI and ML to achieve superior diagnostic accuracy and improved patient recovery. Through relentless research with medical experts, we have developed the world's first AI diagnostic system for Coronarography, a medical procedure performed on +14M patients globally to advance the treatment of world’s top deadliest diseases coming from Coronary Artery Stenosis.
Nowadays, Coronarography image analysis, diagnosis and description is done manually in a time-consuming procedure. However, due to demographic and civilizational changes, by 2035 the number of cardiology patients is expected to triple, in many advanced countries reaching up to 50% population, but the number of Cardiologists will rise only by 2%. This gap can be tackled with our system CorFlow. It is not only providing medical image analysis, but also segmentation, description, 3d reconstruction and calculation of Syntax Score parameter.