EEC Startup Review
Petforest • Górczewska 181/813M • 01-459 WARSZAWA • Tel.: 534776579
ENVIRONMENT Ochrona środowiska: technologie dla klimatu, ekologiczne uprawy, smart energy, wykorzystanie surowców, przetwórstwo odpadów
Petforest offers an innovative solution for the burial of pets, combining concern for the natural environment with the need to commemorate beloved friends with dignity.
We are creating a network of forest cemeteries where trees grow from animal ashes placed in biodegradable urns. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive funeral service based on a dedicated marketplace platform that will guide the client through the entire process of animal burial, providing such services as: transport, selection of souvenirs, cremation, selection of an urn, burial in a forest cemetery, as well as psychological assistance and related content with the theme of death and mourning.