EEC Startup Review
ENVIRONMENT Ochrona środowiska: technologie dla klimatu, ekologiczne uprawy, smart energy, wykorzystanie surowców, przetwórstwo odpadów
As Hexanity we operate a country-wide p2p energy trading platform. It is the only platform of its kind Poland, being a fully automated, auction-based and small, medium & large businesses/users friendly. Currently the platform is in pre-beta stage, where we test our mvp (security, user experience, load handling, business logic) and we run trials with various companies to test platform-related process. These companies include: energy producers, small energy prosumers, individual energy recipients, business energy recipients, distribution system operators & companies accredited to trade energy.
Currently individuals and businesses in Poland buy and sell energy through large intermediaries, that take a sizeable part of the transaction value - we lower that through scaling, automation & use of legal innovations implemented through RED II Directive.