EEC Startup Review

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Smabbler • al. Lipowa • 55-020 Rzeplin
BUSINESS PROCESSES Zarządzanie, analityka, ICT, cyberbezpieczeństwo, logistyka, HR
Any serious Machine Learning / AI project requires an amount of labeled data. Smabbler provides an automated text classification, labeling and intelligent taxonomy building solution. Text is transformed into structured format and can be used just like any other data. Instead of building complex NLP solutions, data science / AI teams can have it ready from day one.
Smabbler built a fully proprietary AI technology that excels at text grammar, context, meaning and relationships in over 20 languages (Germanic, Asian, Slavic and Romance) and acts as an intelligent component in the AI lifecycle toolchain, dedicated for text pre-processing to empower and accelerate building multiple AI applications.