EEC Startup Review
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CLIENT & LIFESTYLE Handel, customer experience, e-commerce, fintech, edutech, gaming, sport, przemysł czasu wolnego is a Polish-British start-up founded in 2019. The first online platform for verifying rental housing tenants in Poland began its commercial activity by creating the Certyfikat Najemcy (Eng. Tenant Certificate). Currently, thanks to the development of the package of services offered, has become a comprehensive platform of financial services for tenants and landlords. As a part of the tenant service path, integrates solutions such as tenant verification in 3 areas - checking identity, comparing monthly earnings to the agreed rent and verifying history of paying off loan. The result of the process is the Tenant's Certificate, thanks to which the landlord can decide whether to sign a contract with the interested party, while not having access to sensitive data. The newest products are insurance options for landlords and tenants prepared with PZU, with the first on the market – insurance securing monthly payments for landlords.