EEC Startup Review

Kompostownik Dżo
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Kompostownik Dżo • 28 czerwca 1956r. • 61-546 Poznań • Tel.: 516851535
ENVIRONMENT Ochrona środowiska: technologie dla klimatu, ekologiczne uprawy, smart energy, wykorzystanie surowców, przetwórstwo odpadów
Dżo is an innovative device that solves the problem of disposal of a large part of organic waste in accordance with the idea of a closed cycle economy. The innovation of the solution is based on the use of intelligent technology, due to which the composting process becomes simple, intuitive and requires little involvement from the user. These features make it an ideal solution for office spaces. Bio-waste is broken down by California earthworms into biohumus - a valuable fertilizer. Composting reduces methane, the reduction of which has a positive impact on minimizing climate change. Innovation is also embedded in our business model. We are the first company in the market to offer a composter in a subscription model. The customer rents the composter and our company provides service of the device. Additional benefits within the subscription model, such as biohumus for employees or eco-workshops, make the Dżo a new environmental benefit for companies.