European Start-up Days

Spodek Arena Main Stage

  • 09:00-11:00

    Opening session: How is business born? From an idea to a company. Synergy between start-ups, corporations and the state


    How is business born? From an idea to a company. Synergy between start-ups, corporations and the state

    • Start-up companies. Who will help them?
    • The state wants to help. Start-up support programmes. Will large state-owned companies speed up the processes of commercializing start-up ideas?
    • EU funds for young business. What exactly can we expect?
    • Start-up accelerators. Theory and practice.
    • Not only cash. What else does young business need to grow?
    • Synergy, inspiration, benefits. Cooperation between corporations and start-ups.

    Brunon Bartkiewicz - Chairman of the Board, ING Bank Śląski SA

    Radosław Gnutek - Executive Director for Research and Innovation, Tauron Polska Energia SA

    Patrycja Klarecka - President, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)

    Eliza Kruczkowska - Innovation Development Director, Polski Fundusz Rozwoju SA (Polish Development Fund)

    Julia Krysztofiak-Szopa - CEO, Startup Poland

    Jarosław Rogoża - Member of the Board, Synthos S.A.

    Dariusz Żuk - Chairman of the Board, Business Link Poland

  • 11:30-12:30

    Start-up Challenge. Start-up presentation.


    Start-up Challenge. Start-up presentation.

    • presentations (6 start-ups from categories 3 and 4, max 10 min each)
  • 12:30-13:00

    Inspirational lecture

    • How to effectively promote a startup ecosystem, best practices from Israel that can be used in Poland
  • 13:30-14:30

    Start-up Challenge. Start-up presentations


    Start-up Challenge. Start-up presentations

    • presentations (6 start-ups from categories 5 and 1, max 10 min each)
  • 14:30-14:45

    Inspirational lecture

    • How to grow start-up from zero to 1 billion PLN in Polish conditions. Comments of the entrepreneur.

    Krzysztof Domarecki - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Selena FM SA

  • 14:45-15:00


    • The role of modern technologies, start-ups and young entrepreneurs in the economic modernisation and clean energy transition - How can policy makers facilitate further innovations and the uptake of modern technologies in everyday lives of EU citizens.

    Maroš Šefčovič - European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union

  • 15:30-16:30

    Start-up Challenge. Start-up presentation


    Start-up Challenge. Start-up presentation

    • presentations (6 start-ups, 3 from categories 2 and 6, max 10 min each)

    The jury evaluates and the public votes by smartphone

  • 20:00




    • contest description, justification of the verdict – President of the Jury
    • presentation of the 6 awards
  • 21:30

    Concert + start-up party


    Concert: ORGANEK

    Please take your conference ID which will be needed for verification

STAGE A (Mezzanine Floor)

  • 11:30-12:30

    Business Mixer - Urban Quest Final - Presentation of three start-ups; the jury will select the winner


    Małgorzata Bonikowska - President, ThinkTank

    Katarzyna Malec - Managing Director, bChange

    Renata Nowakowska - Innovation Manager, Skanska Property Poland

    Mariusz Turski - Co-founder, AIP, Business Link, bValue

  • 12:30-13:00



    Grzegorz Albrecht - Chairman of the Board, Albrecht & Partners Sp. z o.o.

  • 13:30-14:15

    Confrontations. Cat.4. For human. Biotechnology, medicine, ecology


    Confrontations. Mature companies and start-ups. What innovations does business need and how do the young see innovation? A common course?

    • Corporations, innovations, development. What do large companies need?
    • Structure and scale of activity and risk acceptance. “Outsourcing” of innovation?
    • Flexible and fearless. Innovations in the perception and practice of young business
    • What can we give to each other? Synergies in joint projects by corporations and start-ups
    • Barriers and limits to cooperation. Dialogue and communication failures
    • Dilemmas of independence: – I pay and I demand. And I create…
    • Step by step. Examples of companies and start-ups that made it.

    Piotr Buszman - Chairman of the Board, American Heart of Poland SA

    Wojciech Kuta - Editor-in-Chief, Rynek Zdrowia,

    Barbara Misiewicz-Jagielak - Director of External Relations, Polpharma Group

    Michał Pizon - Co-founder, Sidly Medical

    Sławomir Połukord - Senior Business Development Manager, Microsoft

    Magdalena Władysiuk - Expert of Medical Technology Assessment, HTA Consulting, Chairman of the Board, Central and Eastern European Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care

  • 14:15-14:40



    Kamil Bolek - Head of Communication, indaHash

  • 14:40-15:05



    Maciej Balsewicz - CEO, bvalue

  • 15:30-16:10

    Confrontations. Cat 1. Industry 4.0. Robotics, automation, IT, new materials


    Confrontations. Mature companies and start-ups. What innovations does business need and how do the young see innovation? A common course?



    Marek Gutt-Mostowy - Founder, euroLoop

    Michał Kot - Director of industrial sales, Siemens Sp. z o.o.

    Sebastian Meszyński

    Jacek Ziarno - Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Nowy Przemysł Economic Magazine

  • 16:10-16:40

    Confrontations. Cat. 2. Business & ICT. Management. Analytics and decision-making processes


    Confrontations. Mature companies and start-ups. What innovations does business need and how do the young see innovation? A common course?

    • Corporations, innovations, development. What do large companies need?
    • Structure and scale of activity and risk acceptance. “Outsourcing” of innovation?
    • Flexible and fearless. Innovations in the perception and practice of young business
    • What can we give to each other? Synergies in joint projects by corporations and start-ups
    • Barriers and limits to cooperation. Dialogue and communication failures
    • Dilemmas of independence: – I pay and I demand. And I create…
    • Step by step. Examples of companies and start-ups that made it.

    Jan Gajewski - Exon

    Debbi Hoehn - Director of the New Technology Department, Microsoft

    Ross Knap - CEO, CallPage

    Wojciech Wolny - Chairman of the Board, EUVIC Sp. z o.o.

    Jacek Ziarno - Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Nowy Przemysł Economic Magazine

STAGE B (Mezzanine Floor)

  • 11:30-12:10

    The future of VR

  • 12:15-13:00

    Confrontations. Cat 3. Tradition & modernity. Industry. Energy. Telecommunications. Logistics


    Confrontations. Mature companies and start-ups. What innovations does business need and how do the young see innovation? A common course?

    • Corporations, innovations, development. What do large companies need?
    • Structure and scale of activity and risk acceptance. “Outsourcing” of innovation?
    • Flexible and fearless. Innovations in the perception and practice of young business
    • What can we give to each other? Synergies in joint projects by corporations and start-ups
    • Barriers and limits to cooperation. Dialogue and communication failures
    • Dilemmas of independence: – I pay and I demand. And I create…
    • Step by step. Examples of companies and start-ups that made it.

    Beata Cichocka - Tylman - Director, Innowacje i B+R, PwC

    Marcin Lewenstein - Innovation Officer, InnoEnergy Poland Plus

    Jarosław Rogoża - Member of the Board, Synthos S.A.

    Maciej Szota - Director of the Department of Innovation and Business Development, PGNiG SA

  • 13:30-14:00



    Matan Scharf - CEO and Founder,

  • 14:10-14:55

    Confrontations. Cat 5. Client & business. Commerce, customer experience, fintech


    Confrontations. Mature companies and start-ups. What innovations does business need and how do the young see innovation? A common course?

    • Corporations, innovations, development. What do large companies need?
    • Structure and scale of activity and risk acceptance. “Outsourcing” of innovation?
    • Flexible and fearless. Innovations in the perception and practice of young business
    • What can we give to each other? Synergies in joint projects by corporations and start-ups
    • Barriers and limits to cooperation. Dialogue and communication failures
    • Dilemmas of independence: – I pay and I demand. And I create…
    • Step by step. Examples of companies and start-ups that made it.

    Krystian Dylewski - Owner,

    Wojciech Kazimierski - Chairman of the Board, LeaseLink

    Paweł Maj

    Piotr Olkowski - Senior Associate, DLA Piper

    Michał Owczarek - Innovation Expert, ING Bank Śląski SA

  • 15:30-16:00



    Konrad Pawlus - Co-founder, SALESmanago Marketing Automation

  • 16:40-17:10

    Confrontations. Cat 6. Lifestyle. Leisure industry. Others


    Confrontations. Mature companies and start-ups. What innovations does business need and how do the young see innovation? A common course?

    • Corporations, innovations, development. What do large companies need?
    • Structure and scale of activity and risk acceptance. “Outsourcing” of innovation?
    • Flexible and fearless. Innovations in the perception and practice of young business
    • What can we give to each other? Synergies in joint projects by corporations and start-ups
    • Barriers and limits to cooperation. Dialogue and communication failures
    • Dilemmas of independence: – I pay and I demand. And I create…
    • Step by step. Examples of companies and start-ups that made it.

    Przemysław Jedlecki - Journalist, Gazeta Wyborcza

    Wojciech Kuśpik - Chairman of the Board, PTWP SA Group

    Rafał Pikiewicz - Managing Director, Turtle Entertainment Poland

    Maciej Piwko - Chairman of the Board, Everytap


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